Team Walking
The Walk for Life is even more exciting when you participate with a group of friends! A team consists of three or more fundraising walkers. Team members could include your family, your friends, your small group – or any combination of three or more fundraisers! Each team member needs to fundraise individually, and have their own pledge form (paper or online) on Walk day (Saturday, May 6th). Be sure to designate one person as the Team Captain.
As a team captain, just follow the easy steps below to create a team.
1. Identify a unique team name.
2. Register yourself: Be sure to enter your team name, and yourself as the Team Captain when you register!
3. Encourage each of your teammates to register online – make sure they enter your team name when they register!
4. Visit our Tips and Resources page for helpful fundraising tips to share with your team!
5. Set a team goal and encourage your team to meet it! Check in with your team members weekly to see how their fundraising is going.
6. Walk on Saturday, May 6th at 10 AM to make a difference one life at a time! You can walk with your team in person at Krape Park or in your own neighborhood or community. Be sure each team member has registered online as a part of your team and/or written your team name on their pledge sheets.