Thank you for partnering with us through prayer!

Today’s Prayer Requests:

Please pray for a patient we are meeting with right now who is facing immense challenges in life. She believes abortion is her only option. Pray the Lord opens her eyes to the truth and shows her that he is the Way Maker – ready to walk with her through every struggle she is facing right now.

Please pray for our team as they seek to minister to her and provide her with the support she desperately needs. Thank you for your prayers!!

Feb 4 Prayer Requests:

Patient 1 is very determined to abort. She feels there is no way she can go through with a pregnancy. While she was grateful for the services, it did not sound like she would return. Pray God softens her heart and she would consider choosing LIFE.

Patient 2 returned and remains firm in her decision for LIFE although she faces many challenges. Pray God provides for her needs.

Patient 3 returned and remains undecided about her pregnancy but is leaning towards LIFE, although she lacks support. She has agreed to return for another appointment. Pray those around her would support and encourage this pregnancy.

Patient 4 feels now is not a good time to have a child. Pray God opens her eyes and she sees this child is a gift!

Patient 5 was excited to be choosing LIFE!

We also received a request from a supporter that someone they were counseling is considering abortion. Please pray for this woman and that she will reach out to us for support and would see she is strong enough to overcome the adversity she is facing.

There are already 12 more appointments scheduled this week – many of them returning for a second or third appointment. Pray each of these women would show for their appointment, would be receptive to the love and care from our patient team, and would make LIFE decisions. Please also pray for our patient care team as the minister to many women considering abortion.

Thank you for your faithful prayers!

Jan 31 Prayer Requests:

It has been a full week between both clinics. We praise God for a great show rate as many women came for their appointments this week and we had the opportunity to minister to them.

This morning we met with a woman who is planning to abort. Pray she considers her options and God will soften her heart for a LIFE decision. We have a few other women returning for appointments today. One patient had planned to abort at her first appointment but has now decided to choose LIFE. Pray she remains firm in that decision, and that every patient shows up for their appointments today.

Would you join us in thanking God today for our incredible volunteers? Including you! We are grateful for those who partner in prayer, serve as helpliners, receptionists, event planners, our cleaning crew, and those who serve on our Board of Directors. We are grateful for each of those serving to save LIVES!



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