Thank you for partnering with us through prayer!
Today’s Prayer Requests:
We are so grateful that the Lord invites us to come to him with our prayers and praises! What a gift that we can go to him on behalf of others.
This week, the schedule at the clinics is surprisingly slow. Just a few women have appointments with us. Would you pray that we connect with the women who need love and support as they face an unplanned pregnancy? Pray for the women we are currently ministering to who are considering abortion. God is at work and we trust him with these precious little lives!
March 7th Prayer Requests
Thank you for your faithful prayers! Here are a few specific requests from this week:
*Brittany is choosing LIFE! Please pray for a healthy pregnancy and that the Lord uses this experience to draw her to Himself.
*Katie was very overwhelmed during her ultrasound with us. She is choosing LIFE but is processing a lot. Please pray for the Lord to give her peace!
*Sandy is planning to move forward with an abortion. She became emotional as we educated her on her different pregnancy options and agreed to return for a second appointment with us. Pray she comes for that appointment and that God continues to work in her heart!
We were grateful to connect with a teen wondering if she was pregnant. We confirmed for her that she was not and are thankful we had the opportunity to minister to her.
Please continue to pray that we connect with those who need love and support!
March 5th Prayer Requests
God is doing amazing things at the clinic this week. Thank you for all of your prayers! Please pray for the fathers of each one of the babies we see this week. Pray that they would rise up and support the mother in choosing life. May this be a time in each of their lives that they take on the responsibility set before them and do not shy away from it. Please pray for the women who declined the opportunity to make a return appointment, that they would see the importance of life and that the blinders Satan has put over their eyes would be removed. We know nothing is impossible for God and no person is too broken for the Lord. Pray not only that these women would choose life for their baby, but that they would find true life in the Lord.
March 3rd Prayer Requests
Eighteen women have scheduled appointments with us this week. We are so thankful for the opportunity to minister to each of these ladies and ask that you join us in praying for them. Many of these women are considering having an abortion. Please pray for God to work in their hearts, surround them with support in choosing life, and that he would save these sweet babies!
We also ask for continued prayers for our staff and volunteers. Many of the people close to this ministry continue to face challenges and manage difficult circumstances while ministering to the hurting around them. Pray for God to continue to sustain, encourage, and equip us!
Thank you for sharing your prayers and encouragement with us. We appreciate you!
Feb 28 Prayer Requests
Yesterday, we had the privilege of speaking with four women in our community who were looking for help.
*Katie, is walking through the loss of someone close to her and does not believe she can take on all that comes with pregnancy and having a baby. She agreed to return for a second ultrasound. Would you pray for God to open her eyes to the beauty of this little life?
*Amanda, came to the clinic yesterday wanting to confirm if she was actually pregnant. We were able to confirm her pregnancy for her and she is choosing LIFE!
*Melissa was worried she might be pregnant and shared she would be looking into getting an abortion if she was. We were able to confirm that she was not pregnant. We are always grateful for the opportunity to meet with women in our community and connect them with education and resources for their current or potential future circumstances.
Would you join us in praying for *Samantha? She was considering an abortion prior to experiencing a miscarriage. The emotions surrounding a miscarriage are often complex for a woman who is considering an abortion. Pray God uses this experience to open her eyes to the value of life.
*names and circumstances changed to protect confidentiality
Feb 27 Prayer Requests
The week is filling up fast! Please pray that all the women show up for their appointments and make life decisions.
Patent 1: Is struggling and doesn’t think she can have another baby at this time. Pray that the people close to her support her in choosing life!
Patent 2: Doesn’t have the support around her to choose life and believes abortion is her best option. Pray the Lord would change her heart to choose life for the little one inside her.
Patent 3: Is in a tough situation and feels like abortion is her only option. Pray the Lord would work in her heart and the father of the baby’s heart. All of these women were given the Gospel of John. The Lord promises us that His word will never come back void! Pray for not only life decisions but that each woman’s heart will turn towards Christ.
Feb 24 Prayer Requests
Thank you for your prayers on behalf of the women we saw last Friday. Every woman showed up for her appointment which was a huge answer to prayer! Below are a few specific requests from the day.
Patient 1: is considering an abortion. The baby’s father was present for the ultrasound and showed excitement at seeing the baby. Please pray for them as they consider their decision!
Patient 2: returned for a second ultrasound and stated she is still deciding what she will do and has not contacted an abortion provider at this point. She asked to come back for a third appointment. Pray God continues to soften her heart!
Patient 3: came for a second ultrasound and is still considering an abortion. She refused to schedule a third appointment with us at this time. Pray for God to continue convicting and softening her heart!
We have quite a few available appointments on our calendar for this week. Please join us in praying that God fills those appointments with those who need support and hope in choosing life!
Feb 20 Prayer Requests
Today was a slow day and the weather seems to be hindering women from showing. Tomorrow is completely booked with many women considering abortion. Pray the weather doesn’t prevent them from coming and God works in their hearts for LIFE decisions! Please also pray that those who have missed their appointments will reschedule.
Please take a moment to look over the information we received from the Illinois Right to Life regarding some bad bills. One regarding legalized assisted suicide in Illinois is scheduled for a hearing this Friday. Please take action and learn more here:
Thank you for boldly standing for life issues, and partnering with us through prayer!
Feb 17 Prayer Requests
Thank you for your prayers! We are continually reminded of how God delights in hearing and answering the prayers of his children.
We met with a woman for a second time today who has chosen life, but the baby’s father previously wanted her to have an abortion. Today, she shared that the father’s heart is softening towards life! Please continue to pray for both of them!
Please pray for another woman we met who is determined to move forward with an abortion. The father of the baby wants her to have an abortion and she believes it would be the best decision to make. Pray God opens her eyes to the truth!
Several women have not shown up for their appointments and we have a few more women we hope to meet with yet today. Please pray for these women, that we are able to minister to them, and that God works in their hearts to choose life!
Feb 13 Prayer Requests:
A patient has reached out sharing she has an appointment scheduled for an abortion this weekend. She is willing to return for another appointment tomorrow. Pray God opens her eyes to the life she is carrying and she would cancel her abortion appointment.
We have a patient returning today who was unsure how she would proceed with her pregnancy. Pray she returns today and chooses LIFE.
We also have a patient returning today who was planning to abort, but has shared she is choosing LIFE! Praise God! Pray she remains firm in her decision and connects with her little one through the ultrasound.
We have some additional women coming for services tomorrow who are also considering abortion. Please cover them in prayer, as well as our patient team who will be ministering to these women!
Thank you for your faithful prayers!
Feb 12 Prayer Requests:
Today we closed the offices due to the weather which required rescheduling patients. We are grateful all of the patients were willing to reschedule. We have a very full rest of the week with many women considering abortion, and next week is filling up too.
Please pray for some patients we have seen this week:
Patient 1 came to us intending to abort, but after receiving services is undecided. Pray for continued heart change!
Patient 2 is choosing LIFE despite the pregnancy being a shock. Pray she remains firm in her decision!
Patient 3 is determined to abort and appeared completely unmoved by the ultrasound. Pray she would return and find the support she needs.
Patient 4 faces many obstacles and has many fears, but is choosing LIFE! Pray she remains firm in her decision.
Patient 5 does not want to continue her pregnancy but seemed open to adoption. Pray God stirs her heart to bless a family through the gift of adoption!
Please also join us in praying as our nurses will begin ultrasound training next week with our sonographer. This will be a great deal of work for them with much to learn so that we can continue to expand the ministry and meet the needs in our community for women considering abortion! Pray for all the learning they will be doing and for managing our schedule as we bring girls in for training scans.
Feb 10 Prayer Requests:
Thank you for your faithful prayers! Today, we met with a woman who is still contemplating her decision. She is facing enormous challenges in life and has a hard road ahead of her. Pray for God to intervene and rescue this baby and mother.
Please pray for a woman we met with who has previously experienced abortion. Pray for God to draw her to Himself and heal her heart as she carries the weight of her past.
We are praising God for a woman we met with today who shared that she is choosing LIFE!
We have had several women not show up for their appointments today. Pray we reconnect with them and can continue ministering to them.
Thank you for interceding on behalf of the women and children we serve!
Feb 7 Prayer Requests :
We are praising God for some opportunities our patient team had to share the Gospel this week with women who were receptive to the Good News as they were considering their options. We are also praising God for LIFE decisions, and women who came to us planning to abort but now are undecided. Pray God continues to work in their hearts.
We are excited to share our 2024 Impact Report with you so you can join us in praising God for all He is doing through your faithful prayers for the ministry! Check out the report by clicking the Impact Report image HERE.
Feb 6 Prayer Requests:
Please pray for a patient we are meeting with right now who is facing immense challenges in life. She believes abortion is her only option. Pray the Lord opens her eyes to the truth and shows her that he is the Way Maker – ready to walk with her through every struggle she is facing right now.
Please pray for our team as they seek to minister to her and provide her with the support she desperately needs. Thank you for your prayers!! Check out the Impact Report by